Local nonprofits interested in grant funding from the city of Elk Grove can now submit applications online.

The Community Development Block Grants and the Community Service Grants provide support to community service programs. In addition, Elk Grove offers Event Sponsorship Grants for events hosted in the city.

Here are some details for each grant program:

Community Development Block Grants: These grants are meant to support low-income residents and facility improvements at nonprofit facilities. With the backing of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Elk Grove is making the most out of these opportunities. Senior and youth programs have both benefited from the grant funding. In addition, organizations in Elk Grove have been able to fund housing programs, make facility improvements and increase accessibility. The application deadline is Feb. 22.

Community Service Grants: These grants supplement funding for meal services for seniors, the Food Bank and other local groups. Nonprofits can apply for up to $100,000 in Community Service Grants. The application deadline is Feb. 22.

A public meeting for the above grants will be held Feb. 12 at 2:30 p.m. at Elk Grove City Hall. Residents are encouraged to attend to provide feedback about what needs should be met within the community.

Event Sponsorship Grants: Organizations prepared to host citywide events can apply for assistance. The program provides both cash and in-kind services for events hosted within the city. Nonprofits with events happening between July 1 of this year and June 2020 can apply. The application deadline is March 1.

More information can be found here.


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